Four Star Mushrooms™ - Lion’s Mane
Lion’s mane mushrooms are a unique and versatile type of mushroom that has been gaining popularity in recent years. They are known for their mild, nutty flavor and chewy texture, which can be used to mimic meat in a variety of dishes.
Key Benefits
- High antioxidants
- Immune system
- Low sodium & fat
- Anti-inflammation
- Simple meal prep
Used for: diabetes, cancer prevention, gastric ulcers, heart disease, dementia.

Four Star Mushrooms™ - Chestnut
Chestnut mushrooms, also called Cinnamon Cap mushrooms, consist of bunches of mushrooms containing a small golden or chestnut brown cap with pink to dark brown gills and a thin white or beige stem. Lovers of this mushroom are drawn to its earthy and nutty taste.
Key Benefits
- High antioxidants
- Protein rich
- Low in sodium & fat
- Simple meal prep

Four Star Mushrooms™ - Black Oyster
More dense and meatier than most oyster mushrooms. The stems are large, thick, and edible, and a bit softer than the stem of the king trumpet. The caps are smaller than the stems and are also edible. The flavor is complex, with notes of sweetness and umami flavor.
Key Benefits
- High antioxidants
- Protein rich
- Calcium, folic acid, iron, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, vitamins (B1, B3, B5, B12, C, D)
- Lower bad cholesterol
- Simple meal prep
- Prevent osteoporosis and arthritis

Four Star Mushrooms™ - Blue Oyster
Blue oyster mushrooms have a unique mild flavor and texture profile that is sweet and meaty with hints of licorice. Perfect for braising, sautéing, roasting, frying, grilling, and stir-frying, they are richer and more flavorful than store-bought mushrooms.
Key Benefits
- Heart health
- Immune health
- Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects (Chitin)
- Great in pasta, stews, and omelets
- Vitamin A, B, D source

Four Star Mushrooms™ - Mushroom Medley
Not sure which Four Star Mushrooms variety to try? Get the mushroom medley, which contains 3-4 different varieties (subject to availability). May contain Lion's Mane, Chestnut, Oyster or Trumpet. A great way to try each mushroom in different meals throughout your week!
Key Benefits
- Vitamin D, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Copper, Niacin, Riboflavin
- No Fat or Cholesterol

Four Star Mushrooms™ - Dried Lion’s Mane
Dried mushrooms are the pure umami pantry staple every kitchen needs and are as good as fresh, depending on how they’re used. Mushrooms can concentrate their flavor, and once reconstituted have an even meatier texture than fresh mushrooms. Stored in a dark, cool space they can last 2-3 years with no degradation of flavor.
Key Benefits
- Long shelf life
- Same flavor as fresh
- Ready when you are
- Several varieties available

Four Star Mushrooms™ - Spent Mushroom Substrate SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PICKUP
Spent mushroom substrate is the soil-like material remaining after a crop of mushrooms. Spent substrate is high in organic matter making it desirable for use as a soil amendment or soil conditioner.
Key Benefits
- Add to gardens or soil beds
- Spread on newly seeded lawns
- Let weather to reduce salt content

Four Star Mushrooms™ - King Trumpet
King Trumpet mushrooms have become hugely popular for their enjoyable savory flavor and meaty texture. They're often used in soups, salads, stir fries, pasta and sandwiches — and as a vegetarian substitute for seafood since they closely mimic the texture of scallops. These large mushrooms boast an impressive array of health benefits.
Key Benefits
- Vitamin D, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Copper, Niacin, Riboflavin
- No Fat or Cholesterol
- High levels of ergothioneine - the "master antioxidant"
- Shown to lower cholesterol & help weight loss
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